Nova Scotia aspiring author bypasses publishing companies by offering advertising within his new novel, and then making it free online to the public
Released on = September 18, 2006, 3:16 pm
Press Release Author = Dale A. Moses, CNA
Industry = Advertising
Press Release Summary = Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Sept. 18th 2006 - The modern age of book authoring potentially began on Aug.31st when Dale Moses, a family man facing job layoff, started work on his first novel, but not in the traditional fashion. Rather than seeking representation by a publishing company, Mr. Moses is offering advertising space on each and every page of his new novel.
Press Release Body = "This has never been done before to my knowledge, not this way. It has the potential of changing the way that books are written - funded by public advertising, rather than through traditional deals with publishing companies." says the 40 year old aspiring author and father of 3, Dale Moses. "And the best part is that the consumer does not have to go out and buy the novel, as it is as close as their internet connection, posted for free online."
Faced with job layoff, and bleak career availability in the current Nova Scotia job market, Mr. Moses was forced to be creative.
As a self proclaimed web monkey, computer geek, and professional graphics artist / web developer, Mr. Moses combined his skills in order to offer advertising within every page of a novel posted online that very closely simulates a real paperback book, right down to the page turning motion and flipping sound, giving the reader the closest experience to reading the real thing that you can get online.
This method of "Cyber Publishing" is also good for the environment, as there is no need for printed books - "The downside is that there would be no such thing as book signings for authors who use this method - But I guess you could always sign their laptops" jokes Mr. Moses. This method satisfies the "fast food" online mentality where novels can be at the consumers fingertips, and free for the reading legally. Advertisers will reap great benefits, as the exposure for them is worldwide and extremely low cost. "With all the recent press about illegal downloading of movies and music, I think the public will find it refreshing to have something that they can enjoy free of guilt." Mr. Moses states. "Hopefully it will catch on, and more and more authors will take this route. It's nice to do something that's a win - win for both the advertisers and the book reading public!"
Web Site =
Contact Details = For more information, please contact Dale A. Moses evenings at (902) 865-7312 (Atlantic Standard Time.) Email anytime at, or visit .
*The online Flipping novel with advertising spots can be found at
*BLOG located at for daily updates.
*Short story that novel will be loosely based on can be found at
Dale A. Moses is a 40 year old father of three. Currently working as the Manager / Graphics Artist of a die cut Business Card Company. He is an accomplished Web Developer, Graphics Artist, and LAN Administrator, who resides in Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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